Tag Archives: illustration

Rate My Drawings!

RateMyDrawings is an online drawing competition that allows artists and illustrators to draw online. Users submit drawings by using a Flash based drawing software tool, and people rate drawings a score from 1 to 10 (A masterpiece or disaster piece). [From RateMyDrawings.com]

I’ve signed up and done a few portraits. Here’s a recent one of Elliott Smith:

You can see my other works in my profile:


Setting up a profile is free! Monthly contests are held and prizes are given. Although, the prizes don’t seem worth the effort besides the recognition. Grand prize winner(s) get a blown up version of your art piece printed on canvas. I imagine the resolution and final image can’t be all that great. But, I still think the site is a great way to create and share your artwork.

Speaking of “Art”, I think it would be a PERFECT addition to the list of categories here. 😉

The Art of Monster House

I recently rented Monster House on DVD. Some photorealistic shots ala Toy Story, and the house looked like an incredibly complex model, especially as it breaks aparts and comes alive. Overall, it was OK, but I had higher expectations (for the story, not the animation).

However, the DVD does have a hidden gem. While checking out the special features I saw a section on concept art. I was expecting the usual pencil sketches, maybe a couple quick color illustrations. Instead, I was happily blown away by these fantastic concept paintings by Chris Appelhans. It’s Norman Rockwell meets Vincent Price (and maybe Chuck Jones). They lose a bit on a monitor, but look great blown up on a widescreen TV.