The 2008 Anand – Kramnik Times for Game 1

This article lists the times taken for the moves of game 1 of the 2008 World Chess Championship Match between Viswanathan Anand and Vladimir Kramnik in Bonn, Germany.

Game 1, October 14th, 2008

    Kramnik        Anand
    White          Black
 1. d4    (1:59)   d5    (1:59)
 2. c4    (1:59)   c6    (1:59)
 3. Nc3   (1:59)   Nf6   (1:59)
 4. cxd5  (1:59)   cxd5  (1:59)
 5. Bf4   (1:59)   Nc6   (1:58)
 6. e3    (1:59)   Bf5   (1:57)
 7. Nf3   (1:58)   e6    (1:56)
 8. Qb3   (1:56)   Bb4   (1:54)
 9. Bb5   (1:55)   O-O   (1:53)
10. Bxc6  (1:48)   Bxc3+ (1:52)
11. Qxc3  (1:48)   Rc8   (1:52)
12. Ne5   (1:48)   Ng4   (1:46)
13. Nxg4  (1:41)   Bxg4  (1:46)
14. Qb4   (1:40)   Rxc6  (1:42)
15. Qxb7  (1:36)   Qc8   (1:26)

Continue reading The 2008 Anand – Kramnik Times for Game 1

The 2008 Anand – Kramnik Times for Game 2

This article lists the times taken for the moves of game 2 of the 2008 Anand – Kramnik World Chess Championship Match.

    Anand          Kramnik
    White          Black
 1. d4    (1:59)   Nf6   (1:59)
 2. c4    (1:59)   e6    (1:59)
 3. Nc3   (1:59)   Bb4   (1:59)
 4. f3    (1:59)   d5    (1:57)
 5. a3    (1:59)   Bxc3+ (1:57)
 6. bxc3  (1:59)   c5    (1:56)
 7. cxd5  (1:58)   Nxd5  (1:56)
 8. dxc5  (1:58)   f5    (1:54)
 9. Qc2   (1:56)   Nd7   (1:45)

Continue reading The 2008 Anand – Kramnik Times for Game 2

How Prop 8 Passed

Paul Bogan writes angrily yet eloquently about California passing Proposition 8, which bans same-sex marriages. One of his points is that Californians could not possibly have misunderstood the clear wording of the bill.

This is East Coast Thinking, which I understand because I spent more time there than here. On the east coast, when someone cuts you off on the parkway, you think, “What an asshole!” But when you get to California, everyone seems so nice. In short order, your perception of your fellow residents changes. Then, when someone cuts you off on the freeway, you think, “What an idiot!” I’ve spoken with a lot of California transplants on this exact issue and it’s pretty unanimous.

This election, I voted no on darn near every prop1, and I did this because I actually took the better part of a day to research them all. However, I think most people do research at the voting booth. They skim and make a gut reaction.

That’s why we voted for a $10B down payment on a train to San Francisco. Yes, people, it’s a down payment! It will cost way more – maybe 2-3 times that! Can’t we start with decent local public transportation first? JetBlue is already doing a fine job flying us to SF. I want a train that takes me from Huntington Beach to the Santa Monica Promenade, Hollywood and Highland, and Old Town Pasadena.2 If you insist on building a bullet train to somewhere cool, make it Las Vegas. San Fran is perhaps the coolest city in America, but it’s crazy expensive. Even with gambling and strip clubs, Vegas is downright cheap in comparison.3

Ignorance and misguided compassion is also why we voted for $980M for children’s hospitals when we just allotted $750M in 2004. Newsflash: we still have $350M of that yet to grant, under the same rules as this prop. This is akin to taking a huge cash advance on our credit card when we’re already knee deep in debt and we don’t even need the money!

I understand how Paul – who is obviously so wise in the way of (political) science – might think Californians could not possibly be dumb enough to vote incorrectly on Prop 8. However, the commercials that called for no on 8 were vague on what you were voting against. They made it clear you were voting against discrimination, but never said of what. I think a lot of people heard prop 8 was the gay marriage bill and thought, “Why, I think Gay Bill’s a swell guy. He should totally have the right to get married. Yes on 8!” OK, maybe not that bad, but just yesterday I heard a guy call into Headline news4 to say that he was not gay, and that he “really, really loves the ladies”, but he thought gays should have the right to get married. Unfortunately, the drafters of said proposition used “confusing language” and he accidentally voted yes when he meant no. Is he the exception that proves the rule? Maaaaaaybe. But I’m often reminded of a quote from the late, great George Carlin:

“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”

Of course, he also said:

“In America, anyone can become president. That’s the problem.”

  1. Yes on 11 and 12, if you must know. []
  2. Yes, I realize that in 5 years, through the wonders of “gentrification”, they’ll all be the same place. Like when I discovered that San Diego’s Gaslamp District was a carbon copy of Old Town Pasadena (or vice-versa). Now, the Promenade is slowly remaking itself into the image of The Grove. SoCal is becoming one big homogenized crap factory. []
  3. Probably because because SF has better, more expensive strip clubs. []
  4. Why they accept phone calls now I cannot fathom. It’s not news; hell, it’s barely opinions. HLN: If you need more filler, just show your sexy female news anchors shooting coy looks at the camera, maybe biting their lip a little. On slow days, licking a lollipop or sensuously eating a banana. Ratings will skyrocket. []

How To Ruin A Modern Classic

Perhaps you’ve heard they’re remaking The Karate Kid. Whatever details you’ve gleaned so far, it gets worse.

It’s going to star Jayden Smith, Will Smith’s son who costarred with him in The Pursuit of Happyness. When filming starts next year, he’ll be 11. Yes, 11.

The other bit of ridiculousness is that much of the filming will be in Beijing, where the movie is set. Now how can you have a karate movie in China? The cultural ignorance is staggering. At the very least they should call it The Kung Fu Kid.

This is just another in a long line of Karate Kid ripoffs, like Showdown (starring Billy Blanks) and the recent Never Back Down. In fact, both of those movies are way closer in plot than the new remake. Seriously, who wants to see 11 year olds beat the shit out of each other? I got enough of that in 5th grade.

The 1972 Fischer – Spassky Times for Game 20

This article lists the times for the moves of game 20 of the 1972 Fischer – Spassky World Chess Championship match in Iceland. This was Fischer’s last game as White.

Game 20

    Fischer        Spassky
    White          Black
 1. e4             c5
 2. Nf3            Nc6
 3. d4             cxd4
 4. Nxd4           Nf6
 5. Nc3            d6
 6. Bg5            e6
 7. Qd2            a6
 8. 0-0-0          Bd7
 9. f4             Be7    (0:04)
10. Be2   (0:09)   0-0    (0:14)
11. Bf3   (0:26)   h6     (0:42)
12. Bh4   (0:30)   Nxe4   (0:45)
13. Bxe7  (0:40)   Nxd2   (0:46)

Continue reading The 1972 Fischer – Spassky Times for Game 20

Getting old at Best Buy

I’m at Best Buy with my kids looking for a DVD for a show called “The PJ’s”. Does anyone remember this show?
I remember loving it, but not too many details because it wasn’t on for more than a few seasons.
So I ask the chick working in the DVD section, “Do you have a DVD for ‘The PJ’s’?”.
She answers with a glossy look.
“The PJ’s? On Fox? Couldn’t have been more than ten years ago???”
This is when my world comes crashing down around me as I realize that the 20-year-old standing in front of me would more easily remember her trip to the petting zoo when she was 10, than what was on prime time television a decade ago.
Dang it, “Let’s go to the computer and check inventory so at least you don’t think I’m crazy.” She types in PJ’s, but the closest thing that comes up is PJ Harvey. “No not that. Type in Eddie Murphy.”
Coming to America, Raw, Shrek no no no. What the *uck?
I leave Best Buy feeling like a crazy old fool.
At home I immediately searched the web. Yep, I’m not crazy. Ran for 40 episodes. Won Three Emmys. and…. no DVDs were produced for the series. Come again? Emmy award winning series and no DVDs are out?
Turns out there is some legal despute or some nonsense preventing a DVD release. Equally vague is the reason for a top rated series getting canceled. It ranges from Eddie Murphy clashes with Fox/WB to high production costs.
Either way I felt like returning to Best Buy with this information just to show them I’m not an idiot.
Bottom line: Have a 20-year-old train in the Nickelodeon and MTV section first, before giving her run of the entire TV DVD section. Thank god I wasn’t looking for a season of M*A*S*H. “oooh my grandpa told me about that show! Right this way, sir.”

A note to racists

Now that Obama is on his way to America’s throne, (note throne/toilet double-meaning) I wish him the best of luck with the turd Bush left for him. I personally did not vote this year because I did not like either choice. Playing eenie-meenie-mynee-moe at the booth is nonsense.
I have nothing against Obama, it’s just that I’ve never heard of the guy until the “bandwagon” effect started rolling, and yes I do follow politics. On the other hand I’m not voting for a Bush-clone either.
The fact is, Obama’s intelligent, well spoken, educated…. and black. Don’t try to correct me about his race. The community defines your race, not your blood-line. So as long as the black community emraces him as one of their own… he’s black.

Now here’s my request: Please for the love of humanity, stupid, racist, KKK, Nazi, skinhead, rednecks, leave this one alone. You don’t have to love him, but please just leave him be. My biggest fear is what would happen to America if he was assassinated by one of these kooks.
It will push race relations back 50 years. Riots will break out in every major city. We finally live in a time where whites don’t feel the need to feel sorry for errors of past generations, but this will all be erased if anything happens to Obama. It doesn’t help much that the (to be) Vice President is about as gringo as they come. People will start conspiracy theories about how this was the plan all along.
The fact that 60% percent of Obama’s voters were white will not help our cause. Another black hero dies, and it would probably be a long time before another gets to the same position.
So please gripe all you want if his performance gives you a reason to, but either way lets leave violent racism in the 20th century.

note to FBI/CIA: You’ve probably received some automated alarms related to some key wording I’ve used in this rant, so just to be clear: Neither I, nor anyone I know, is connected in any way to plots, designs, meetings or individuals with intent to bring harm upon any public figure.

But I have been sharing privileged information concerning Roswell.
Suck on that.

The 2008 Anand – Kramnik Times

This article contains the links to the times for the moves of the Anand – Kramnik World Chess Championship Match in Bonn, Germany, from October 14th to October 29th, 2008. Our Agent Chronicle was in place and covered all 11 games:

1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10      11

The management of time played a significant role in the match, as can be seen in Games 3 and 5. Kramnik responded to new positions successfully, but took a lot of time with his early decisions. As a result, he had to hurry his moves later, made decisive mistakes, and lost both of these game. These two losses turned out to be the margin of defeat at Bonn.

Remember the time factor; it always comes into play in the end, and this match was no exception.

For more on time management at the World Chess Championship level, please view our notes on Fischer – Spassky 1972, which provides information that has been unavailable for 36 years.

Until now.


The 1972 Fischer – Spassky Times for Game 3

This article lists the times taken for the moves of Game 3 of the 1972 Fischer – Spassky World Chess Championship Match in Reykjavik, Iceland.

Click here for info on other games of this match.

Game 3, July 16-17, 1972

    Spassky        Fischer
    White          Black
 1. d4    (0:00)   Nf6      (0:09)
 2. c4             e6
 3. Nf3            c5
 4. d5             exd5
 5. cxd5           d6
 6. Nc3            g6
 7. Nd2            Nbd7
 8. e4    (0:11)   Bg7      (0:24)
 9. Be2   (0:15)   0-0      (0:24)
10. 0-0   (0:15)   Re8      (0:31)
11. Qc2   (0:17)   Nh5      (0:40)
12. Bxh5  (0:40)   gxh5     (0:40)

Continue reading The 1972 Fischer – Spassky Times for Game 3

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