Rest easy, I will NOT be posting any spoilers in this article. For one thing, I’m many days from being able to get a ticket to the movie. And I would not spoil the experience for you, even if I had real information about the movie.
Even the title of this post is probably something I read in one of the many articles from months past that have tried to sate our need for Star Wars information until the movie opens tonight. Lots of speculation out there, so let me have a try….
If you don’t want to even read my random musings, do not read below the image below. And enjoy the movie; I know that I will !!

Speculation follows:
Poe Dameron is the new Wedge Antilles. He won’t do much except show up at *all* battles and survive.
Someone in the Star Wars Universe will die. My bet is Luke Skywalker.
(BTW droids don’t die. They get rebuilt, memory wipe and recovery from server. Good as new)
Luke Skywalker is evil in this movie. Or has lost his way and regains it before dying.
Kylo Ren is Luke’s son.
The Girl (whatever her name is) is Luke’s daughter. (Symmetry with the original trilogy, here)
Harrison Ford will get killed. Wait, I only said one person dies. OK, Han Solo and Luke die while disarming the new Death Star.
Princess Leia survives, but nobody cares.
At some point in movie, BB-8 will get shocked, overloaded while trying to access a computer port.
There will be stop-motion animation somewhere in the movie. Maybe even a main character (??!!)
There will be some new Force power shown for the first time. We know the Force can choke, levitate objects, affect weak minds, allow use of light sabre in the dark (hey, it glows!!) and have pinpoint accuracy when they throw it. I’m guessing a Force force-field.