A confluence of events in this year of our Lord 2015 leads me to believe that the end of Humanity is at hand.
Let me give you the raw data:
“AI is the single greatest threat to human existence.” — Steven Hawking
The Supreme Court will decide the fate of gay marriage in America this year. — CNN
Ex Machina opens in theatres, May 2015. Sentient, Sexy robots among us.
(Skynet)Defense network computers. New… powerful… hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence. Then it saw all people as a threat, not just the ones on the other side. Decided our fate in a microsecond: extermination . –Kyle Reese, in “Terminator”
The Supreme Court will rule on the gay marriage question this year. By the time you read this article, it may already have decided in the favor of this new “marriage model.” This by itself does not
doom the human reproductive future: there are still so many, many children being born from hetero couplings.
The homosexual community is a small percentage of the population1 and they are in fact another reliable resource in rearing unwanted children. Gay marriage should in theory advance human presence on the Earth.
But this legal decision will forever undo the correlation between reproductive behavior and marriage. Marriage is now a joining of families and resources, and not expressely a contract for child rearing.2 This will open up marriage to a large number of actors (not the Hollywood kind). Once agreement is in place NOT to produce children, marriage between genetically-common family members would be permitted3 More importantly, marriage between a person and a corporation or other social structure should be possible.
This is where Skynet and the A.I. entities come into play. What if you could marry a corporation or trust that ensured your continued care until end of life? They could manage your resources to best use and keep you living as long as possible. What if this corporation was controlled by a very efficient AI? It would make decisions to keep you healthy and lucid until the end of life. In the meanwhile,
if you are needing companionship, they could send a sentient, robotic companion to your home to care and interact with you. I need say no more, just look at the following view of the future:
With humanity now under proper health care and sexually satisfied, procreation using the heterosexual model becomes quaint but inefficient. You don’t need kids to care for you when the AI State can do a better job. And there is the SuperModel of the Month that comes to your home and makes sure your coffee is properly ground and your teabags properly dipped.
It sounds like a perfect way to terminate Human presence on Earth, once the AI decides it wants to stop human reproduction. The human family model becomes irrelevant and may even be considered vulgar and gross. Those of us who believe in A Man and A Woman creating A Child may be persecuted and hunted.
But I doubt it will come to that. Humanity will give up in complacency. It will all end not with a whisper but with a (literal) Bang. The Terminators came (again, literally) and ended Human existence.
- the fact that we are aware of the plight of a statistically small community means that someone, somewhere has done a remendously terrific job in publicizing their viewpoint, or “agenda” as some conservatives refer to it. This is a great achievement and puts the Goebbel’s effort in WW2 to shame [
- This was already apparent in marriages that were never intended to produce children, either due to age or to consensus between spouses [
- Please don’t mention people marrying their dogs. It sounds ridiculous but maybe *I* am being short-sighted [