You Talkin’ To Me?

There was a shooting in a theater on Christmas, and what’s most interesting is what isn’t being discussed. Here’s what went down: a family was laughing and talking very loudly during Benjamin Button, which annoyed other theater goers. Words were had, then popcorn thrown, then fighting broke out, then gunfire.

Here’s another way to put it: an Italian guy shot a black guy in a South Philly movie theater because the black guy’s family wouldn’t keep quiet and the Italian guy is clearly unhinged1.

And nobody is mentioning any stereotypes here. I’ve read several articles, and comments on those articles by people who did not have to pass any tests to comment, and still no mention of race, ethnicity, black, white, stereotypes, etc.

I think this is progress. But I’m not 100% sure.

  1. After the shooting cleared the theater, the shooter sat back down to enjoy the rest of the film. Ah, peace and quiet! []

4 thoughts on “You Talkin’ To Me?”

  1. Well, I must commend the good taste of both parties: Benjamin Button is a great film and should do well at the Oscars. So both of these parties were not casual movie-goers (otherwise they would be sitting at Yes-Man or some such) and yet they still became rather uncivil.

    Or I should say: of course they became uncivil. Someone was disrupting an Oscar-caliber film !! If I were forced to miss 10 minutes of Yes-Man, not much would be lost. But 10 minute of Benjamin Button is an absolute loss !!! I could see why someone escalated to gun-play.

    I, myself, have been made rather uncomfortable at the movies. It usually happens when the theater is nearly empty and a person sits down for a few minutes of the film and then leaves. I start to wonder if that person left a package containing explosives or anthrax or something equally awful. But this is irrational. If that person wanted to blow a theater up, they would have chosen a crowded movie showing, not one that had only a solitary patron inside.

    So I will now only watch movies that have sparce audiences. For safety’s sake.

  2. Screw race. EVERY time I go to the theaters, I get that annoying kid behind me who keeps kicking my chair. Only difference is, if I shoot him, the parents would probably thank me.

  3. I liked Benjamin Button, but was not blown away by it as many others were. I almost fell asleep a couple times (although it was a late showing), and at 3 hours, 10 minutes lost wouldn’t have killed me. But I do hate noisy people at movie theaters.

    I just thought it was interesting that this is a stereotype brought up by many (hack?) comedians over the years, it’s something I’ve experienced personally more than once, and nobody is talking about it. Perhaps because this unacceptable behavior has been eclipsed by other bad behavior, like talking on the cell phone or texting during the film.

    And yes, kids are big offenders, as they have always been. This explains the rise of 21+ screenings in major markets. Another deterrent is banning small children from PG-13 and R movies ( and only selling adult price tickets for R films (Loews). But I think the parents are either the type who would keep their kids in line to begin with, or not care they were annoying you.

  4. The only films I see anymore are with my kids, so banning kids would just keep ME from seeing movies. I noticed MY kids kicking the chair in front of them one time, and I was very clear to make sure they didn’t do it again.
    These other parents on the other hand just sit there totally oblivious to what their kids are doing even when I turn around and stare straight at them. It doesn’t matter where I sit. They read the sign on the back of my head saying ‘annoying kids with ignorant parents, sit here.’
    It’s making me mad right now and I’m not even there.

    “Thank you for coming to Loews,
    sit back and relax…
    it’s gonna blow!”

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