Anyone else want to rip their hair out trying to get those camera angles just right? I don’t remember this being such an issue with the first one.
Aside from that, GREAT GAME if you got the computer muscle to back it up. I had to add ANOTHER fan (5 total) to my case because it was sweating so bad. I’m not even sure why. The game is nice, but it doesn’t look better than Oblivion.
Hey Atari! Give us a camera upgrade! One that stays DIRECTLY behind the player would be nice.
This was on my buy list until Burning Crusade (WOW expansion pack) was announced. That will be a time and productivity black hole, so I am trying to get something done before it’s released on 1/16. I have 9 weeks to put my spare time to good use, and I hope to have finished writing a web application by then. Wish me luck!
Sometime in the future I may still pick up NWN2, but probably not until late next year.